The Impossibility of a Diaphanous History Machine

Someone asked recently about this short piece I wrote in advance of the release of SKINNER. I'd forgotten it exited, but promised to dig it up and post it here. I'm not editing it so this is exactly where my head was at something like ten-eleven years ago. It is dated on so many ways, which I love.

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It's 2/5/2024, and I Still Don't Have a Jetpack

The jetpack thing is something people from my generation (generation old) get pissed about. We grew up at the Space Shuttle end of the space race and we were promised jet packs not later than the dawn of the 21st century. We were also promised cool geodesic housing, infinite cheap energy, world peace, a clean planet, and water beds.

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Man, I Just Work Here on December, 10th 2023

I don't even know why I'm trying to write something for this space right now. That sentence you just read? I had to correct four typos before I got to the end of writing it.

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Hello, August 30th 2023. Why so hot?

There's a little prompt on my interface, it says, "Enter your content here." Which reminds me of an encounter I had with someone in the first week or two of the WGA strike (Day 121 in the house!).

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But What's Happening Right Now, at 1:25pm PST on July, 14th 2023?

Well, for one thing, it's Bastille Day! Take that, fucking Monarchists!

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 7

The Prince was still in the commode, and Dudley Lane was wondering if he shouldn’t get up and check on the boy.

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 6

General Jack was yelling for her. What did the boy want now? He’d had some troubling thought no doubt. That was the usual reason he’d be needing her.

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 5

“What the hell is the man doing out there? Etta, come see this. Do you see what I’m looking at? Etta?”

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 4

Tote Sharpe would be damn fucked if he would allow another Lane to rule over this great land. No one could tell him that the reign of Malvern had been anything but a bit of Lane puppetry.

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 3

The Queen could hear his voice, so close and low in her ear, over and over saying the same thing, "Silly woman, you must stop now being so silly." But she couldn’t stop.

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A Book He Started Writing Once: Part 2

The Queen was screaming again. Well, perhaps more accurate to say that the Queen was screaming still.

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A Book He Started Writing Once: part I

Theo was drunk in a whorehouse when he got word that his father was dead.

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